Youth Music and Arts Week at Lutheridge is a special program for campers who have completed first through twelfth grade. First and second graders sessions are music only. Third through twelfth graders may choose to concentrate on two out of four music and arts disciplines. Campers are housed in camper cabins. Prices start at $580 […]
Adults can commute or stay in Lutheridge's adult-style lodging. Prices range from $205 to $620 per camper, depending on lodging choice. Childcare is available for children under 7 during rehearsal times: cost is $185 per child.
The QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 3rd, at 7 PM. Cookies and refreshments will be served. Grace’s Bethany Lemons will teach participants to recognize the warning signs of suicide and how to question, persuade and refer someone for help.