Flower Guild Meeting
The Flower Guild meets in Room 101.
Community Outreach Team
The Community Outreach Team will meet on Sunday, December 4, after the Contemporary Service. The meeting will be at Panera. Plans for the Christmas parade float will be discussed.
Commission Cleanup Day
Everyone is invited to help clean up the commission areas of the church on Friday, January 20th at 1:00pm. It’s a good time to review your areas and clean out any unnecessary stuff. Please let either Jackie Rylander, Terry Domm, or the office know if you plan on attending.
Grace Primetime Dinner
Dinner will be held in the Fellowship Hall.
First Harmony
First Harmony is a youth choir for children age 6 and up. The choir rehearses in the Sanctuary.
Youth Music and Arts Week at Lutheridge
Youth Music and Arts Week at Lutheridge is a special program for campers who have completed first through twelfth grade. First and second graders sessions are music only. Third through twelfth graders may choose to concentrate on two out of four music and arts disciplines. Campers are housed in camper cabins. Prices start at $580 […]
Adult Music Week at Lutheridge
Adults can commute or stay in Lutheridge's adult-style lodging. Prices range from $205 to $620 per camper, depending on lodging choice. Childcare is available for children under 7 during rehearsal times: cost is $185 per child.
QPR Training
The QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 3rd, at 7 PM. Cookies and refreshments will be served. Grace’s Bethany Lemons will teach participants to recognize the warning signs of suicide and how to question, persuade and refer someone for help.
ESOL Beginner Class
ESOL Class meets in Room 210.
Spanish Class
Spanish Class meets in Room 101.
ESOL Online Class for Ukrainians Only
This class is restricted to Ukrainians only; no other new students will be accepted. The class meets online via Zoom.
Deadline for Scholarship Applications
Applications are now being accepted for both the Raaen and Becky Ball Scholarships. Ask the church office for an application. Applications must be returned to the office no later than October 6 to be considered. The Administering Commission will review the applications and recommend those eligible for financial aid to Council for approval. If you […]
Temple Talk
There will be a temple talk during the traditional service as part of the annual stewardship campaign.
Bake Sale Set-Up
The set-up for the bake sale is in Room 101.
Rummage/Bake Sale/Art Show
On Saturday, October 14th, Grace will have a rummage sale and bake sale to benefit local animal rescue groups. The time is from 9 AM to 1 PM. We also will host the annual Woodland School Art Show, where members and visitors can vote for their favorite work of art. This is a community event. […]
Congregational Meeting
All members are encouraged to attend this congregational meeting. The purpose is to vote on extending a call to Pastor Rosalina Rivera.
Thanksgiving Baskets
Thanksgiving Baskets will be distributed in the Fellowship Hall.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Grace's annual Thanksgiving Dinner will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 12th. Appetizers will be served at 4:30 PM, and dinner will start at 5 PM. The Nurturing Commission will provide turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Guests are asked to bring a dish to share; sign-up sheets for appetizers, side dishes, and […]
Hanging of the Greens
All members are invited to help decorate the church for the holidays.
Kids’ Crafts
Kids are invited to participate in a crafting session as part of the Hanging of the Greens event.
Luncheon for Church Decorators
Lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall.
Cocoa, Cookies, and Fun
This is a new event for kids in our community! It will be held on December 9th at 10 AM in the front vestibule.
Cantata Participants
All cantata participants will meet at 9:15 AM.
Christmas Cantata
The Christmas Cantata, "A New and Glorious Morn" by Lloyd Larson, will be presented at a unified service at 10 AM.
Advent Bible Study
The Advent Bible Study will be held on Mondays in December (12/4, 12/11, and 12/18) from 10 AM to 11:30 AM in Room 101. The study will be based on the book Underdogs and Outsiders: A Bible Study on the Untold Stories of Advent by Tom Fuerst, available on Amazon. Purchase of the book is […]
Midweek Advent Service
Advent services will start on Wednesday, December 6 in the sanctuary at 6:15 p.m. Please come and join us for a time of worship and inspiration. We will meet weekly on Wednesdays in Advent (December 6,13,and 20).
Family Christmas Eve Service
The service includes a children's pageant.
Removal of Christmas Decorations
Volunteers are needed to take down the Christmas decorations, following the 11:15 service.
Book Study Group
The Book Discussion Group: This group meets on Sundays, via Zoom. For an invitation, text or email Diane Weaver.
Worship Workshop
Judy Goans will lead a workshop on preparing ashes for Ash Wednesday. She will also include a brief introduction to anointing. The session will take place Saturday, February 10th, at 2:30 PM.
Drive Thru Ashes and Prayer
In observance of Ash Wednesday, Grace will offer two sessions of Drive Thru Ashes and Prayer: 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (weather permitting).
Ash Wednesday Service
There will be an Ash Wednesday service at 11 AM, followed by lunch. Bring your lunch to enjoy while visiting with Pastor Rosy and members of the congregation.