Thanksgiving Dinner
Grace's annual Thanksgiving Dinner will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 12th. Appetizers will be served at 4:30 PM, and dinner will start at 5 PM. The […]
Hanging of the Greens
All members are invited to help decorate the church for the holidays.
Kids’ Crafts
Kids are invited to participate in a crafting session as part of the Hanging of the Greens event.
Luncheon for Church Decorators
Lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall.
Cocoa, Cookies, and Fun
This is a new event for kids in our community! It will be held on December 9th at 10 AM in the front vestibule.
Cantata Participants
All cantata participants will meet at 9:15 AM.
Christmas Cantata
The Christmas Cantata, "A New and Glorious Morn" by Lloyd Larson, will be presented at a unified service at 10 AM.
Advent Bible Study
The Advent Bible Study will be held on Mondays in December (12/4, 12/11, and 12/18) from 10 AM to 11:30 AM in Room 101. The study will be based on […]
Midweek Advent Service
Advent services will start on Wednesday, December 6 in the sanctuary at 6:15 p.m. Please come and join us for a time of worship and inspiration. We will meet weekly […]
Family Christmas Eve Service
The service includes a children's pageant.
Removal of Christmas Decorations
Volunteers are needed to take down the Christmas decorations, following the 11:15 service.
Book Study Group
The Book Discussion Group: This group meets on Sundays, via Zoom. For an invitation, text or email Diane Weaver.
Worship Workshop
Judy Goans will lead a workshop on preparing ashes for Ash Wednesday. She will also include a brief introduction to anointing. The session will take place Saturday, February 10th, at […]
Drive Thru Ashes and Prayer
In observance of Ash Wednesday, Grace will offer two sessions of Drive Thru Ashes and Prayer: 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (weather permitting).
Ash Wednesday Service
There will be an Ash Wednesday service at 11 AM, followed by lunch. Bring your lunch to enjoy while visiting with Pastor Rosy and members of the congregation.
Drive Thru Ashes and Prayer II
In observance of Ash Wednesday, Grace will offer two sessions of Drive Thru Ashes and Prayer: 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (weather permitting).
Ash Wednesday Service II
The evening service on Ash Wednesday will take place at 6:15 PM, preceded by a soup and salad supper at 5 PM.
Stephen Ministry Training
The training sessions are held in the Fellowship Hall.
Church Women United
CWU will hold its March meeting at Spurgeon Chapel, AME Zion Church, 100 Huston Avenue. Fellowship begins at 11:30, and the program begins at noon. Program TBA.
1st Confirmation Class
The class will be held in Room 101.
Worshipping Commission workshop
The Worshipping Commission is hosting a short workshop at 10:00am on Saturday, March 16, about praying and anointing for healing. The meeting will be held in the sanctuary.
Mutual Ministry Meeting
This meeting takes place in room 107.
Weekly Lenten Service I
There will be an Lenten service at 11 AM, followed by lunch. Bring your lunch to enjoy while visiting with Pastor Rosy and members of the congregation.
Weekly Lenten Service II
Evening services for Lent will be held on Wednesdays at 6:15 PM, preceded by soup and salad supper at 5:30 PM.
Soup and Salad Supper
Supper will be served in the Fellowship Hall.
Easter Egg Hunt
The annual Easter Egg Hunt is open to ages toddler to Grade 5. The hunt starts in the Fellowship Hall at 2 PM. There will be separate hunt areas for […]
Palm Sunday Contemporary Worship
Gather in the church parking lot to process into the church with palms. In case of bad weather, plan to gather in the Fellowship Hall.
Lenten Bible Study
Pastor Rosy will lead a Lenten Bible study on Mondays at 10 AM for six weeks, beginning on February 19th. The study will be based on the book "Plenty Good […]
Healing Service I
There will be an opportunity to receive anointing for healing at this Wednesday Lenten service.
Healing Service II
There will be an opportunity to receive anointing for healing at this Wednesday Lenten service.
Maundy Thursday I
A communion service will be offered at 11 AM. The service will end with the stripping of the altar for Good Friday.
Maundy Thursday II
At this service the First Communion students will receive communion for the first time with the rest of the congregation. The altar will be stripped for Good Friday at the […]
Good Friday I
This special worship will be a Tenebrae service, including candles and reading of the Passion.
Good Friday II
This worship service will use the Solemn Reproaches of the Cross.
Sunrise Service
The Sunrise Service will be held in the Memorial Garden Area.
Grace Hikers
People interested in walking in nature with other Grace members can let Ruth S or anyone on the Proclaiming Commission know. Hikers are needed to plan and lead hikes and […]
Spring Picnic
The spring picnic will be held at Frozen Head State Park at Shelter A. There will be a grill, a playground for the children, streams for wading, and hiking trails. […]
Via de Cristo Weekend
Via de Cristo Weekend, April 18th! Would you like to experience an amazing weekend of God’s wonderful Grace? Have an opportunity to be fully immersed in His love? Laugh, sing […]
Prayer Time
Prayer meeting, which previously met in church every third Tuesday evening, was canceled due to the pandemic. As an alternative, we are all praying on Friday afternoons at around 5:00 […]
Women of the ELCA Cluster Meeting
The Women of the ELCA Spring Cluster meeting will be held in Knoxville at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church on Saturday, April 20th, beginning at 9:30 AM. The theme is "Created […]
Flower Festival Preparation
Preparation will take place in the Fellowship Hall, Room 101, and the Sanctuary.
Flower Festival Preparation
Preparation will take place in Room 101, the Fellowship Hall, and the Sanctuary.
Flower Festival
The annual Flower Festival will be held on Saturday, April 27 with a theme of "Caring for God's Creation." Plans include a plant exchange, Grace Writers and Poetry Pie Luncheon […]